BeSL Lectures: “Fatty tissues and lymphatic system”
“Lymphedemas and/or lipedemas?”, Prof Bourgeois (Belgium)
“Lymphatics and fatty tissues, a complex relation”, Prof Horra (Spain)
“Lympho-lipo-aspiration for lymphedemas and lipedemas?”, Prof Campisi (Italy)
« Prendre en charge un oedème de membre(s) : de A à Z ? »
Session 1
1. Prise en charge et bilan clinique et para-clinique des oedèmes des membres (et autres)
BeSL guidelines for the pretherapeutic evaluation of limbedemas: Prof Bourgeois, MD, PhD
2. Quelle prise en charge thérapeutique ? Chirurgie ou/et physiothérapie ?
BeSL Guidelines for surgery in lymphedema: Dr Roman, MD
BeSL Guidelines for Physical Therapy in lymphedema: Prof Adriaenssens and Leduc, PT, PhD
With Discussion around practical situations (with patients?) and with the participation of Prof Boccardo and Campisi
3. Quelles évaluations de la réponse ?
Volumétriques et/ou périmétriques ? Autres ?
Perikit ? Perometer ? Mètre ruban ? Immersion? Volometer? Dr Harfouche, PT, PhD
Session 2 : About the physical treatments? About…
4. Manual lymphatic drainages under lympho-fluoroscopic control?
Prof Bourgeois, MD, PhD
5. Multi-layer-bandaging: materials and applications?
Prof Leduc and Adriaenssens PT, PhD
With demonstration of materials
6. Pressotherapies ?
Prof Leduc and Adriaenssens PT, PhD
7. Elastic stockings and contentions (and physical exercises?)
Mr Pastouret, PT
Practical considerations about and for elastic contentions?
With demonstration of materials
16h50- 18h00
Session 3
8. Nutrition for Lymphedema and/or Lipedema?
Prof Guggenbuhl
9. Which reimbursements? Quels remboursements ?
Pour les produits ? Mme Hubar
Pour les prestations ? Mme Van Dooren
BeSL General Assembly
Date : Samedi 27 octobre 2018
Lieu : Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
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